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Selectmen's Minutes 2013/05/20

7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, May 20, 2013

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, Emma Smith Vice Chairman, Suzanne Gottling,
Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Also Present: See Sign-in Sheet

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM

Review of Items for Signature:
Parcel ID: 0129-0015-0000 46 Lower Main St., Edward A. Bailey
Parcel ID: 0209-0033-0000 23 Twin Birch Lane, Jacques and Pamela Castle
Parcel ID: 0237-0029-0001 102 Brook Road, Michael A. Mayo
By Selectman Gottling and Selectman Hastings, unanimous.
Yield Tax and Timber Tax:
Parcel ID:  0218-0018-0000 175 North Road, Douglas Richardson
Parcel ID:  0202-0007-0000 Prospect Hill Road, Sandy Hatchett
By Selectman Hastings and Selectman Trow, unanimous.
Property Tax Abatement:
Parcel ID:  0132-0033-0000 Route 11, Town of Sunapee
Parcel ID:  0138-0015-0000 110 Winn Hill Rd, Town of Sunapee
Parcel ID:  0118-0044-0000 Burma Rd., Town of Sunapee
Parcel ID:  0147-0005-0000 638 Route 103, Town of Sunapee
By Selectman Trow and Selectman Gottling, unanimous.  Donna Nashawaty stated that these were the four properties whose tax bills were already run.  If they approach, the board about buy the property back, the amount abated is incorporated in the amount that would needed to be collected.

  • Scott Hazelton discussed the three top paving bids received.  He handed out a spreadsheet and the smallest bid was Pike Industries.  Scott Hazelton recommended that Project 1 and 2 be done for the amount of $284,799.00 which includes shim and overlay for both of the projects.  The money left will be used for an engineering design for Winn Hill Road and possibly Trow Hill.
  • Scott Hazelton wanted to discuss the Ash Borer issue as we are no longer accepting brush from the Town of New London.  All vehicles coming into the transfer station are being inspected.  The State mandates that ash collected as brush are not allowed to leave the county it was collected in at this time.  The Counties are all under quarantine.  Donna Nashawaty stated she had received a letter from a concerned resident hoping that we would look into the issue more thoroughly and completely.  Chairman Gallup stated that Ash Borer is a big issue as far as defoliating.  
  • Scott Hazelton updated the Board that upon inspecting the pits a person was found and appeared to be taking steel out of the pits.  The authorities were called and a gate was immediately put up to further ward off any future attempts.
Selectmen Action
Appointments:  LSPA 3 year Term-Selectman Seat Donna Nashawaty explained about the seat and its responsibilities. Selectman Smith volunteer for the seat available on the LSPA.
Chairman Gallup made a motion to appoint Selectman Smith to the LSPA seat and it was seconded by Selectman Gottling, unanimous
Resignation:  Letter from Patricia Halpin
        A Motion was made by Selectman Trow to accept the resignation of Patricia Halpin from the Recreation Committee and was seconded by Selectman Smith.
Use of Facilities:  
  • Sunapee Harbor: Teddy Bear Picnic, Barbara Sullivan, 7/12/13    
A motion was made by Selectman Trow to accept the use of facilities for the Teddy Bear Picnic seconded by Selectman Hastings, unanimous.
  • Harbor House Livery SMHS, 8th Grade semi-formal dance,  6/17/13
  • Selectman Gottling made a motion to approve the use of the Harbor House Livery by the Sunapee Middle School for the 8th Grade semi-formal dance with the provision that we get the signature of the principal and the fire chief seconded by Selectman Hastings, Donna Nashawaty discussed we may want to think about how we may want to handle future programs being held at the Harbor House Livery. Unanimous.
  • Harbor House Livery Flash Bash open back up for Sunday from 12-4PM.  Selectman Smith made a motion to accept the request for the one more day of the Flash Bash seconded by Selectman Hastings, unanimous.
Bench Request: A letter was received to donate a Granite Bench in memory-Chairman Gallup state that he thought it would be best if this were tabled until a later date.

Chairman’s Report:
  • Chairman Gallup stated that he noticed in the Legislative Bulletin the Committee involved with the Bill for the Gambling was leaning towards a motion of Inexpedient To Legislate.  That causes concerns with the state education and statewide property taxes.  Chairman Gallup stated that he would continue to keep an eye on this in the future.  
  • Selectman Gottling discussed the Integrated Land Development Permit, which will make things easier and safer for developers.  The goal is to try to have one contact person for all four of their permits needed in just one process.  It is currently in Finance.
  • Selectman Gottling reported that the County Finance Committee was working away on the budget.  May 23rd at Sugar River Savings Bank Community Room at 6:00PM will be a delegation about the County Commissioner’s Budget.  Ground Breaking for the Biomass plant is tomorrow May 21, 2013.
Town Manager Reports
  • Donna Nashawaty updated the Board on the Perkins Pond Sewer Project Interim Funding.  Bids were looked for in the amount of $1.8 million which will mature by July of 2014.  Four banks replied.  The lowest price was .895% from Claremont Savings Bank.  Donna Nashawaty recommends that Claremont Savings Bank be awarded the open end line of credit for the Perkins Pond Sewer Project.  
  • Donna Nashawaty stated that in the mail today she received the construction phase engineering contract for Underwood Engineers, which is part of the package that they are putting out to bid.  At the next Selectman’s meeting, Donna Nashawaty will have a couple of the last Right of Way Easement Deeds for the Board to sign.  
  • Donna Nashawaty received notification from the Town Attorney that the Davis-Larrow appeal time has elapsed so the case is finished.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:50 pm
Submitted by,
Heather Weir                            


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                                  Suzanne H. Gottling

_________________________               _____________________________
Joshua Trow